Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Texting.... The New Drunk Driver

First let me say to my friend Blaine... I'm not just writing this for you. (Although... You really need to stop texting and driving.)

I'm sure you've done it.... I've done it.... I hit a huge piece of tire in the middle of the highway while I was looking at my phone. My Impala actually went airborne on the right side from the impact. I didn't have to throw away my shorts, but it was close. Now I have and iPhone with Siri. She reads my text to me and I tell her what to say back. All while keeping an eye on the road.

So we have all heard the talk about texting and driving. You may have even seen the stats. If not, here they are....

As you can see by the reaction times. The results show that they are as bad or worse than a drunk driver.

If that isn't enough to rattle you a bit... Check out this video. (Warning this is Graphic)

It's my understanding that they determined that this person was texting.

If you have to send/read that text... Pull over or get an iPhone with Siri who can read/send a text for you.

I have precious few readers, so I need you all to be safe.

Twitter @MortisG187

Email Jeff at author@jeffjake.com

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