Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thats Just Nasty Baby

I like fish as much as the next guy. I don't care if it's a Mcfish sandwich or fried catfish. A little tartar sauce and I'm good to go. I've even been way up north in Canada and fished for Northern Pike. That was some fun fishing by the way. Pulled em right out of the water and cooked them for dinner while we were camping. That was some of the best fish ever.

While I am fond of various types of fish and sea food. I recently came across a picture of a fish I think I would have a problem eating. It's called a Sheepshead fish or Convict Fish (because of its stripes). The disturbing thing about the fish is its human like teeth. Yes you read that right, human like teeth. I mean these things have choppers like you and me.

Is that not CREEPY!

I hope I haven't ruined your appetite for fish.

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