Sunday, March 24, 2013

The $5.00 Bin

Have you ever sifted through the movies in the $5.00 bin at Walmart? I can't believe some of the good ones they have in that bin. I'm a movie nut, so I check it frequently. Today I scored two great titles. The Island and Timeline. For five bucks each... that is a BARGAIN! The even had Batman Begins in the tub. (I already had that one)

That brings me to a bit of a soap box. Why is it that they have to charge you $19 to $24 dollars for a new release? I just don't get it. Someone is making a boat load of money. You know it cost pennies on the dollar to knock out the DVD's. They stamp those babies out like pennies. 

Of course the answer is most likely that they are having to pay "royalties" to some movie company. That's okay... I rarely buy a new release from Walmart. No need to. Our local movie rental store after about three weeks stickers them for $9.95 for a used blu-ray copy. AND... they guarantee that copy for 30 days. Thats a good price in my book.

How about you? Do you buy movies on DVD? Or do you just rent a copy?

What floats your boat?

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