Friday, March 22, 2013

Elvis Has Left The Building! Or Maybe Not.

A few weeks back I did a post about the Voyager space craft. (2/25/13) In that post I gave you an update of the Voyager 1 & 2 as of March 2012. After 36 years both of the probes continue to send data back to NASA.

Well the Voyager 1 probe has hit the headlines this month. The data that was received from the craft initially indicated that it may have left the solar system. That would make it the first man made object to reach interstellar space. At a distance of 11.3 billion miles, equipment measured a drastic change in radiation levels. At first, this was thought to be a sign that the little probe had left the solar system.

However, after going over the data, the lead on the project issued a statement that Voyager in fact has not made it to interstellar space. Kind of a bummer.

Here is a link to the recent press release.

Don't you hate that... get all excited... pop the cork on the champagne... pull out the party hats... kiss that cute co-worker... only to find out... whoops.. we were wrong. Now... it's just uncomfortable.

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