Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Parental Guidance

My wife and I rented the movie Parental Guidance tonight. I thought it was a cute movie with some laughs. It tells a warming story of how a daughter and her parents differ on how to raise children. The daughter being from the "New School" and her parents being from the "Old School".

One of the things it reminded me of is how as I became a father, I would say things like... "I'll NEVER do that to my kid!" My wife swore up and down she would NEVER lick her thumb and rub a mark off the face of her kid. What did she end up doing... yep... Lick... wipe... 

It's moments like that when you go... "Oh my gosh... I sound/act just like my dad/mother" LOL. 

Here is a link to the trailer to the movie. 

See you at the rental store!

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