Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ya... I'd Buy That... Not!

Yesterday I talked about a possible invention that could revolutionize camouflage. (If its true) Now I just need someone to invent the light saber and phaser. To continue my theme of inventions, I scoured the net for some of the more... how shall I put it... unique... inventions. In my searching, I have to say... I cannot believe some of the stupid crap people have come up with.

So, without further ado.... I give you... crazy inventions....

When you just have to have that bacon taste!

Okay... I have to admit... this one was kinda cool. Who wouldn't want glowing tires.

I don't even understand this one.

Uh... I don't even have anything to say on this one.

Because no one wants to slurp a noodle into their hair. It's a splash guard for your face.

Yep.. this is how you should practice proper golf form.

Not recommended for people who wear contacts.

What the heck...

When getting the broom is just too much work.

I got a good laugh out of this one. It's kinda cool.

When you just have to add some realism to your thumb wrestling experience. 

Okay... I liked this one too. It's a back scratching t-shirt. I need you at G-6 right now! We have an out of control itch and it's moving to H-6!


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