Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today's the Day!

Some of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook may already know that today, my daughter is getting married. It's hard to describe my feelings about the situation. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on the floor, playing Barbies with her. (I never got it right, she would always tell me "No daddy, those clothes don't match." If you ever saw me dress, you would most likely agree with her) It's almost like I'm in a mild state of shock. How is it that she's all grown up? Where did the little girl go that wanted me to fix her PB&J sandwiches, or watch Sword in the Stone with her?

What I have rolling around inside me is a combination of multiple emotions all trying to gain the upper hand. I'm happy, sad, terrified, proud, excited, all rolled into one. One thing that has helped me deal with my emotions, is that the young man she is marrying today is top notch. I don't know that I could have picked a better match for my little girl. That goes a long way to alleviating my fears and concerns for my daughters future. I look at these two young people and I'm overjoyed at the potential they have in their new life. They certainly have it together better than my wife and I did when we were married. (my wife and I just celebrated 19 years of marriage this week.)

So, while I look back and I miss my little girl, I'm also so very proud of the young woman she has become. I pray that the two of them are blessed beyond measure.

-One Proud Daddy (AKA Red)

1 comment:

  1. I don't normally do an addendum to my post. However, I felt that today I have good reason to give an update. First, I did manage to make it through the ceremony with out becoming a blubbering idiot. Second, the day went off without any major complications. The happy couple is headed off to their honeymoon and all is well.

    It's been hard for me emotionally. As a dad, I want to keep my little girl close. The weird thing is, as a dad, I want to see my daughter have her own life and succeed. It's the craziest thing. In all the confused emotions, two things are certain. I'm proud of my daughter and I'm happy to have a great son-in-law.

