Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Eggs... not the kind the bunny brings

Have you ever been watching a movie and realized they put something in from another movie or TV show? Maybe on a bill board in the background or something.

For instance, in the movie Aliens -

When Ripley confronts Burke about his having told the colonists on LV426 to check out the alien-infested derelict spaceship, she says, "I just checked the colony log. Directive dated 6/12/79, signed Burke, Carter J." This is not a random date: it's the release date of the original film.

The one that I recently found out about really was cool. It's from the movie Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark. As you may know, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas collaborated on the movie. What you may NOT know is that George Lucas' C3PO and R2D2 make a cameo appearance in the Raiders movie. Don't believe me.... here is the proof....

The two lovable droids are part of the hieroglyphics behind Indian Jones (AKA Han Solo).

Look for more Easter eggs in future blogs.


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