Sunday, March 31, 2013

Long Day

Wow... today was a long day. I'm worn out. My wife and I got up this morning and headed to church early. She left at 7:00 am to put out 600 eggs for the kids to "find" this morning. I was out of the house by 7:30 am to get things ready for the pancake breakfast at the church. After the kids grab all the eggs, everyone comes into the gym for pancakes. We had a great crowd today. I estimated that we cooked up over 400 pancakes. In addition to the hotcakes, we had four egg casseroles, 4 gallons of chocolate milk, 3 gallons of orange juice, and 2 gallons of regular milk. It was insane! After church, we did the grocery shopping for the week. Then we piddled around outside for a bit. I fired up the grill and cooked dinner. We set up a new bed in our room.

I am ready for bed!

I'm worn out from just typing it all... LOL

However, I didn't want the day to go by and not say Happy Easter. Ya I know it's kinda light... but it's all I got... I'm zapped.

I leave you with this Luke 24:1 - 9


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