Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dental Dilemma

When I go to the doctor for a check up or to see him because I've got a cold. It's understood that I will be billed and they will let me know later what I owe after the insurance has paid. In some cases, they may request you pat the co-pay upfront if it is known. Makes sense right. 

Why is it so many dentist are not that way? They demand payment up front before any services are rendered. Oh, they will gladly bill the insurance for you, so you will receive a reimbursement. Well shucks, that sounds great. Except, I pay a chunk of my paycheck every week so that I don't have to have $600.00 laying around to pay a dentist. 

I called a dentist today because I've got a filling that may have come loose. (All I know is the sucker hurts) I was all set to go see them when they laid on me that I would be expected to pay up front. The filling alone, depending on size, was going to be $150 to $200. Then there was the office visit charge as well. It's no wonder so many people have teeth problems. No one can afford to go.

I just hope I can find a good dentist that knows how insurance is supposed to be handled.

End of rant.



  1. If you ever find one who will agree to give the services before you pay up, stick with them. Don't get me wrong, but it's kind of understandable why they ask to pay for services up front; it's business, after all. Also, teeth problems shouldn't be blamed on the expense of dental services, most people have teeth problems because of bad oral habits. Peace! =) Jonathon @ SimmondsDentalCenter.com

  2. Jonathon, you're absolutely correct. Most dental problems are from poor care. However, MOST health problems are ALSO from poor care. Smoking, eating McDonald's, no exercise, etc. However, that doesn't stop doctors offices (also businesses) from applying the bill to insurance and balance billing the patient last. AND I guarantee, doctors offices and hospitals have a whole lot more overhead than a dentist... and they do just fine.... so could a dentist office.

    People pay large portions of their check every week to have insurance. INSURANCE is supposed to be just that.... INSURANCE that I don't have to come up with $1,0000 for XYZ. Next thing you know, insurance companies are going to expect you to pay for your new replacement car out of pocket before they pay you.

