Thursday, April 11, 2013


As a kid, I remember my dad always having two or three cans of WD-40 around the house and garage. He used it on all kinds of stuff. Rusty bike chain, Check... Rusty bolt, Check... Squeaky thingy, Check... You got the idea.

I'm hear to tell you, it's like some kind of magical substance.

So here is some info about this wonder oil. The WD stands for Water-Displacing. The 40 stands for 40th formula (Norm Larsen, the invented, claims that it was his 40th attempt)

In was invented in 1953 by the earlier mentioned, Mr. Larsen, founder of the Rocket Chemical Company in San Diego, California and was originally developed to repel water and prevent corrosion.

Here are some cool uses for this wonder oil.....

The things we remember from childhood... weird huh?


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