Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's time to work out!

My wife and I watched some of the Crossfit Games on TV last night. I don't know if you have ever seen or heard of Crossfit, but I'm hear to tell you, they are some incredibly fit men and women. I have personally done some of the workouts they were doing and they ain't easy!

You can check out some of what Crossfit is about here.

If you want to get fit... check your local area for a Crossfit gym.

Watching such and elite group of folks got me to thinking about how fitness has evolved. Do you remember those early 80's workout videos? Well on this date in 1982, Jane Fonda released her first workout video. You can click here to get a look at what working out in the 80's looked like. 

I think you'll agree that it's a stark comparison.

Stay healthy my friends!


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