Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reading does a body good.

When I was a kid, my dad would take me to the St. Louis library at least every other week. Sometimes, it was once a week. We would spend hours looking at books. What was really cool, after we checked out with our books, dad would take me over to the Sherman tank that they had sitting out front in a park area. We would spend another hour playing on the tank.

A lot of people say they don't have time to read, or don't like to read. Personally, I think you should make time, or keep looking for something that you like to read. Just because the one book you tried you didn't like, doesn't mean there isn't a writing style out there that fits you.

Let me leave you with this.... What is one of the first things dictators, or communist regimes do when they take power? (Besides kill all the smart people) They burn the books and start censoring what is written. Why? They don't want a new group of smart people they have to kill.

Just my two cents worth.

If you want to try some reading. I recommend the web site They have hundreds of groups to choose from. Fantasy, Sci-fi, horror, you name it. Plug into a group and start discussing what you want in a book and I guarantee, someone will have a great recommendation for you. The great part is that it's absolutely free. Goodreads is like a social network for readers.

So get out there and start reading.... A whole world awaits your discovery.

If you don't have a lot of time to read. My group, Pulp Fiction, has a weekly read that is only 7 to 8 pages long. We pull a different story from the old pulp magazines each week.

Pulp Fiction Group - CLICK HERE

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