Friday, May 31, 2013

I'm ready for some Jurassic Park!

The frozen body of a mammoth was recently found on a remote island in the Arctic Ocean. Of course this isn't the first woolly mammoth ever found. So what makes this one special. This ones blood was so well preserved that it flowed freely from the animal.

Here is the quote from the head of the expedition, Semyon Grigoriev, "The blood is very dark, it was found in ice cavities below the belly and when we broke these cavities with a poll pick, the blood came running out."

They went on to say that the muscle tissue of the mammoth was the color of fresh meet and looked nothing like most specimens that are centuries old.  

"The fragments of muscle tissues, which we've found out of the body, have a natural red color of fresh meat. The reason for such preservation is that the lower part of the body was underlying in pure ice, and the upper part was found in the middle of tundra."

Most of the genetic code of the woolly mammoth has been deciphered from balls of mammoth hair found frozen in the Siberian permafrost. There are a few people that believe it would be possible to recreate the prehistoric animal if they could find living cells in the permafrost.

Interestingly there is a prize that is being developed by the X Prize Foundation that could award someone who was able to accomplish such a feat.  It's called the "Jurassic Park prize" - No Joke

In 2004, the foundation awarded a prize for the first private spacecraft.

Who knows, in the near future you might go to the pet store and be able to buy your very own Velociraptor. They're GREAT for home defense!


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